Wednesday 15 May 2013

St Martins Street

Time I showed a few photos from the Market Town of Wallingford which is next door to the Village I live in. This is St Martins Street. The church you see is called St Mary-le-More.
I'll post some more over the following days.


Sharon said...

I would love to wander this street.

Do you have any photos of Aston Rowant? Or could you possibly take some?


Billy Blue Eyes said...

No not yet but it's only about 12 miles way so I'll get over there plus there is a church to look round. Might take a couple of weeks but I will get on it.
The street in the photo is not long but has some interesting shops.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Until I read the caption, I thought the church was a castle. My mind started wandering to medieval times. Such a juxtaposition of ancient and new buildings on that street.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The is a castle or what remains of one, the stone in the church came from it. I'll post some photo's of it soon

Sharon said...

That would be fantastic Bill and I would really appreciate it as that is where my Baylis family were born, prior to coming to Australia.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'll check round the churchyard as well.