Thursday 23 May 2013

Sheep in the pen

As you can imagine Wales if famous for sheep and no village show would be the same without them. The  Hundred House show is no different and well supported.

As you can see there is a lot of interest in the sheep though I could not tell you which was first from the resets.
Have a fun Friday.


Timur Wilde Photography said...

I like sheeps !! :)

Have a nice weekend...


Dana said...

Aw, they're sweet. :)

I just read the comment you left on my Blitz post. (I'm sorry it's taken me so long; I've been overwhelmed.) You've had a rough time; I certainly hope your week turned out better than it began.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It did though the weather has been bad most of it. We did manage to clear the garden and garage and I have had three new doors fitted on rooms to finish off the house. Only drawback this week is I've not been out with my camera.

Silvia Writes said...

Looks like a great village show with ribbons and everything.

Visiting form A-Z Road Trip.

Silvia @ Silvia Writes