Friday, 31 May 2013

Opening the Lock

This is Aldermaston Wharf Lock, the area below it is the basin area for the narrowboats to turn and tie up while wait to go through a nearby swingbridge.
The lock is on the  Kennet Navigation and from here you head to Newbury.


A quick trip to Littlestoke to get a photo of Fairmile from the old ferry landing when I heard the unmistakable sound of a rowing 8  being urged on my the coach who was in a boat behind.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Boats on the River

Took these photos the other day when it was sunny. I went off to get some photos of the river Thames by where I live but took them from the opposite bank.

 This is looking across the Thames towards Cholsey.

And this was one of the boats heading upstream. Have a great day.

The Tay Rail Bridge

The Tay Rail Bridge scene of the 1869 disaster .

Taking part in Wordless Wednesday

Monday, 27 May 2013

A View of Cholsey

I was asked to take a few photos of Cholsey for the new Village Hall though the village is in the Thames Valley it is not easy to get one looking down on it. This is about the only place you can along the road to Reading.

Taking part on our word Tuesday

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Minnie on a Pony

Yesterday My blog hit the six moth mark and had gone over 6000 views so thank you all who have visited and left comments. Thought we would go back to the Hundred House Show for another photo. One of the other events at the show was the children's pony section and the fancy dress was well supported .

Got to love those ears.

Sunday Photo

Memorial Day


Thursday, 23 May 2013

Sheep in the pen

As you can imagine Wales if famous for sheep and no village show would be the same without them. The  Hundred House show is no different and well supported.

As you can see there is a lot of interest in the sheep though I could not tell you which was first from the resets.
Have a fun Friday.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Trotting Race

Hundred House is a small rural community in Wales just outside Builth Wells. Each year they have a show which is held at Fforest Fields Campsite. the highlight of the show is the trotting race for me. Here you can see the horses racing round one of the bends.

I will post some more from the show over the coming days.




St Peters

It's Wordless Wednesday so I will leave you with this photo of St Peters church in Wallingford.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

An Harley Davidson

Saturday I went off with  my wife to an art shop to look for a picture, while we were in there I noticed this little beauty pull up so I snook out and got a photo on the phone.

Harleys are one of my favorite motorbikes even tough I have never owned one.

You could say I have an affection for them, as I had this photo taken on a Pan Head at a showroom in Tallahassee where I asked it if was ok , they were most  obliging..
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Riverside Park

Wallingford Riverside Park which is built on a riverside meadow that was donated by the Wilding Family in Memory of their son who was killed during the second world war.
The area in the foreground is was the children's paddling pool which over the winter was redeveloped into a water park.

Sunday Photo

Wallingford Castle Gardens

Friday, 17 May 2013

High Street at Night

One of the first attempts at a night shot which shows the High Street in Wallingford, the spire is St Peter's Church.

Below is the Market place in Wllingford looking towards the Town Hall
 Have a great Weekend.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

St Martins Street

Time I showed a few photos from the Market Town of Wallingford which is next door to the Village I live in. This is St Martins Street. The church you see is called St Mary-le-More.
I'll post some more over the following days.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Swimming Hole

Not sure it could be classed as a hole more like the bank of the river Thames. This photo was taken on a walk about to show how the places along the Thames near where I live had changed in the last 45 years.
The trees and bushes you see were not there when I was a kid and if you want to know what it used to look like click on the link 1968

Monday, 13 May 2013

Waterfall in Wales

Ok I'm at a loss today as to what to publish. I've been caught out as I usually gave the post ready the night before and just press the button in the morning so here I am at work with nothing to show. Lucky I have a small selection on a drive at work. The photo shows a small waterfall I too a number of years ago with a Canon S2 IS near Fforest Fields Campsite, hope you like it.

The camera only lasted a couple of years as I dropped it down the stairs at work and it did not work very well after.
Shareing with Tinas picstory

Friday, 10 May 2013

Ivor The Engine

If you live in the UK you cannot failed to have heard of Ivor the Engine which is a children's cartoon done in 2D I used to watch it and was very pleased to see it on our local preserved railway The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway or Bunk as us locals know it.

Below is the first episode for you to watch

Have a great weekend

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Banbury Cross

Remember in an earlier blog "Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross"  well this is Banbury Cross.

If you look over to the left in the second photo you can see the fine lady on her horse

Have a great Friday

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Canal Block

You have heard of road blocks well this is how it works on a canal as they cue to go through the lock in the distance

Taken in Banbury

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Spring Flowers

  Found on my Patio White Bells


 Pink Geranium

Taking part in Wordless Wednesday

Monday, 6 May 2013

Established 1839

Took this photo in Banbury a few years ago I feel it is a great shame the place is still not operating from the building.

Taking part in our World Tuesday

Ride a Cock Horse

This is an old English Nursery Rhyme
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
And she shall have music wherever she goes

 Bells on her toes
Taken in Banbury a few years ago. 
Have a great Monday

Friday, 3 May 2013

A to Z Reflections

I'm relatively new to blogging  and use it as a way of showing the photographs I take. I started off doing a Blog called Spuds Rural Explorations followed quickly by Forgotten Fairmile progressing to My Grave Place. This Blog was inspired from hydedaily blogspot. I thought I could post a different photo each day no problem the A to Z Challenge was just the thing to join along with and along with the encouragement of  The Daily Dose I joined the challenge. I took the advice offed visited blogs and since then I have found other Bloggers from all round the world to follow. Many now follow me and leave comments. There was one thing I felt lacking and that was finding other phographer blogs, I feel the groups could have been placed together so make finding what you wanted to look at easy, face it there were a look of blogs entering.
I feel a few other blogs should be mentions now.
A foreign land I had been to Chicago and loved seeing how the place had changed.
D.J Kirkby. one of the writers who's blog I liked reading
Take25 to Hollister a place I had never heard of but now like reading about.
My Bliss Who educated me in Latin
Tropical Territory where I found out about Australia down under.
Strong Foundations one of the genealogy blogs I follow from down under
All the blogs I have visited gave me encouragement to  carry on with what I do and i am grateful to all the people who visit and leave comments and I look forward to the next Challenge.
I will leave you with a link to another blog of mine which  tracks the progression of the new Village Hall that is being built near where I live.
 Look forward to hearing more from you all and reading your Blogs.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

A Friendly Little Critter

This cat was sat on the pillar, as I walked up he decided to say hello.

Blue & Yellow

Could not resist taking these photos .

 Blue is for the Bluebells that grow out the front of my house
Yellow is for the primroses growing in the park.
Have a Great Day