Thursday 5 September 2024

Shorthampton Sky


Getting up to date here with my sky's as this one was from last month when I visited a church in Shorthapton, it was way out in the sticks (countryside) along a narrow country lane with only a farm and a couple of houses nearby.

This is the church it dates back the 13th or 14th century the sky behind made it worth while

The narrow road it is along

The view out of the east window you see in the photo above

Outside you just see a combined parked up in a cut field of corn (Wheat)

The glorious Oxfordshire countryside is all you see.

Happy SkyWatch


kwarkito said...

a beautiful location and very peaceful surrounding countryside

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

An isolated church with a huge view!!

Penelope Notes said...

The church so strong on its own making the scene even more picturesque. Lovely!

Photo Cache said...

What a great find! I love to visit out of the way churches.

Worth a Thousand Words

Mary Kirkland said...

Beautiful pictures. It looks so peaceful there.

Red said...

Farms, churches and skies. a good combination.

Jocelyn said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of the church and the land there. (NewRobin13)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What a beautiful church. If it weren't for the telephone lines, the first two photos could have been taken a century or more ago!

Lisa said...

That's beautiful. We have nothing nearly as old, not even close!