Monday 26 June 2023

Weston - on - the - Green


Weston on the green always seem to me to be a few houses along the side of the what was the old A43 to Northampton. We would pass through on our way to Silverstone and it never looked much of a place to stop. It did have an RAF parachute training base there as you could see the balloons taking them up in baskets to jump out of.  When they built the A34 dual carriageway to the M40 the village got bypassed. Last week I went to visit the church at Weston on the Green and knowing the A34 might be very busy I took a route that would take me over it to see how bad it was. Turned out very as the traffic was slow from Oxford the the M40 junction. I decided to take another way and came in the back of the village

I parked by the church near this old Phone Box, it is now used as a library which is quite common to see in villages, this is our version of the little library 

Looking down the road towards the old main Northampton road you not help notice the thatched houses 

This was the village show which sold bread and fresh produce as well as other groceries and some hot food, I went away with a very tasty pasty

Sadly is is under threat as this sign tells you. I hope it is saved villages need shops

Going back the way I came I stopped to take this shot. It was only when I processed the photos I noticed something 

A bird and bee had flown past when I took the photo. I've not been photo bombed by a bee before.
As I will be useing this on SkyWatch Friday
Happy Skywatch
Take Care


NewRobin13 said...

Wonderful photos, Bill. I love that red phone booth library. It's really great. And getting a bee and bird in the same photo is grand!

NCSue said...

I love that little phone box library! It's nice to see these icons of England used even as we've switched to mobiles are rarely see a phone booth. I love to see repurposed historical buildings and so forth.
Thanks for sharing at

HappyK said...

Love how the old call box is turned into a little library. Great shot.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Aren't we lucky to have little backwaters like this to explore, just off the main roads? I hope they manage to save their shop, several around here have been taken over by the local community.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing these lovely photographs.

All the best Jan

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very quaint village. i hope it wins its fight to preserve its beauty and appeal. Love the phone booth library and the great depth of focus on the bee and the bird.

Jocelyn said...

Great pictures of the village.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, what are the chances of being photobombed by a bird and a bee in the same photo? Fun post!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A very quaint looking village.
I love the free library. A sturdy structure. We have a few of those phone boxes around. They are great places to hide a geocache.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I love the recycled phone box. I have a Little Free Library in front of my house, but it's getting a bit dilapidated. Wouldn't it be lovely to use an old phone booth?!

Someday I hope to get a chance to visit your beautiful country. Many (49.7%) of my ancestors called Great Britain home.

William Kendall said...

A very appealing village.

Linda said...

Looks like a charming village!

Pisi Prkl said...

The Village looks so nice with all them old houses. The Library is a novel idea, never seen anything like that. Not even in photos.

Jim said...

Love a red phone box

Sarah MumofThree World said...

That looks like a really lovely, traditional English village. I can think of a few very similar ones near to us in Gloucestershire.
Popping over from My Sunday Snapshot.

RachelSwirl said...

I love the picture of the old style telephone box - they were so bright against the landscape, I really miss them! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

klara said...

great conversion of those iconic boxes.

Light and Voices said...

mmmm, I wonder what happened to all of our phone booths here. Haven't even thought of it. Nice a telephone booth is being used for a little library.