Thursday 15 June 2023

Welsh Sunset


First of all let me apologise for not posting Tuesday Like I normally would, over the weekend we had a power cut during a thunderstorm. it knocked out my router and I had to have a new one  

This was the beginning of June when we were at our caravan, I normally take the dog around the lake for a walk so take photos with my phone, I spotted the geese with their gosling 

Quite happily swimming by

I also noticed a duck on a nest

Around 9:30 in the evening I saw the sun has set and there was a beautiful colour to the sky so I went out to the lake fro some photos

Going a bit closer to the hills

I did like this effect the sun had on the clouds

Looking back the sky looked clear blue

In reality the sunset looked a little like this which is how it looks through my camera

Happy Skywatch


Penelope Notes said...

Lovely sky shots! There is a wonderful sense of optimism that arrives when the sun breaks through the clouds.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You got some nice views for us.

Jocelyn said...

Lovely pictures.

HappyK said...

Lovely photos. Pretty reflection on the water.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Ducks are such commonly seen birds, and yet I don't recall ever seeing one on a nest. Beautiful sky photos!

NewRobin13 said...

Such beautiful views there. I love all those sunset photos, and the geese and duck pics too!

Linda said...

Lovely scenes! The final shot is magical.

Light and Voices said...

Magical sunset photographs.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A feeling of gladness

Billy Blue Eyes said...

More to come

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes I tend to be drawn to them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Check the blog Tuesday

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sunsets are magical