Thursday 1 December 2022

Firey Sunset

 Taken towards the end of October I could not help see this wonderful sky as I looked out the back of the house

The sky as I seen it from the bedroom window a reflection of the sun on the clouds

Lets look at the whole picture

This we looking over next door from the bathroom window

Looking south from the bathroom window

East from the bathroom

This is where I normally look for the setting sun

The colour changed to a fiery look

The setting sun behind the trees

By now some spots of ran were falling on the bedroom window. Time to go

Happy Skywatch


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You captured all the colors just from your house. Just proves if you look around you don't need to drive to get great sky photos.

NewRobin13 said...

What a truly stunning sunset. I love seeing the progression of light there. Very beautiful.

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful capture.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

These really are beautiful skies, and lovely golden light. Glad you were able to capture them!

William Kendall said...


HappyK said...

Gorgeous skies.

Red said...

Great views of the sunset. If you wait a few minutes it changes and you get something different.

Lisa said...

Those are very nice! So pretty.

Ms Donyarific said...

Those are great shots, and you took them in different angles from your house ~ Ms. Donyarific

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

That sky was really showing off for you.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I find it is one of the best ways

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I never think of that when I take them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Jocelyn

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sometimes they well worth taking

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you William

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Many Thanks

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Lisa

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I like getting them from different views and show the changes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It does on occasion

Light and Voices said...

What a perfect time to be in the bathroom to take photographs of the sky. I am speechless.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Luck more than anything