Monday 12 December 2022

Winter Chill


Here in the UK we are going though a cold winter, very cold. My garden has been frozen all day and white with frost. Time to get out for a few photos.

 Passing along the patio a spiders web frosted up

It was not the only one to be that way

The garden in a covering of frost

The pond frozen over

One spider had been busy making a web on the patio table and chair only to have it frozen in time

This morning I woke up to the garden covered in snow.
Stay Warm & Take Care


Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful happening of frosty spider webs, they are so ethereal and beautiful.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are always a good subject to get photos of

William Kendall said...

It's gotten cold here too enough so that the Canal is beginning its freeze.

HappyK said...

Looks cold but pretty.

NCSue said...

The frosty spider web is an amazing sight!
Thank you for sharing at

Red said...

I hope your plants are hardy enough to survive this much frost.

Soma @ said...

The frosted spider webs are beautiful. Love the photos!


Villrose said...

Great frost photos!

Pisi Prkl said...

I´ve never seen a frosted spiderweb. Nicely photographed imho.