Tuesday 22 November 2022

Fungus Time


Took these photos back on the 1st November  when were were at our caravan. I spotted some fungi growing near a tree and was overjoyed to find these Fly Agaric growing

I love finding these

Looking along from the first ones I came across I spotted more growing

I could not say if they were edible

Not even sure about these

These I knew you could not eat, not even sure if the water on top would be safe to drink

Table for one
Take Care everyone


Barbara Rogers said...

They are amazing! Definitely warning, don't eat me! Polka dots, what next!

NewRobin13 said...

Those are such beautiful fungi. Wonderful photos, Bill. I love seeing what you see there.

NCSue said...

I'd love to know more about mushrooms. They fascinate me... although I agree with Barbara - I'd be reluctant to eat any that didn't come from the grocery store!
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/11/some-things-im-thankful-for_098575593.html

HappyK said...

LOVE the red with white polka dots. How cool.

Robin said...

At least one of those photos, and perhaps three, are of boletes. And those are very edible. (Choice, even.) But don't eat the red ones.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

The Fly Agarics are very pretty.
Wonderful photos.

Aimz said...

We got the same red ones growing here in Autumn, they are nasty and poisonous but so pretty

Linda said...

Pretty colors!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

But witches used them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Pretty but deadly

Billy Blue Eyes said...

These I learnt about a long time ago

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Real fairy mushroom

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Robin I did think they would be OK to eat, the red ones I would no even touch

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very pretty

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Must have been brought over then

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Brightens up Autumn