Thursday 22 September 2022

Foggy Walk


Normally I tend to be a few weeks behind with my SkyWatch photos but this week we are jumping to this week. If you saw my post from Tuesday you might have got a taster for what I am about to show you.

This is what we had to contend with at the start

But as we climbed up the hill we could see clearer sky above

When we reached the quarry it was much clearer

At the place I tend to stop for a photo things looked foggy below

We climbed higher so I took a pano of what was below

A bit further along I took a shot of the hillside

Further along about the high point I took this panoramic

At the view point it was like looking over a sea of ice

It looked like you could walk across 

The sun was just peeking over the hill

A last look of the fog

The sun was now climbing above the hill and time to get back for breakfast
Next week I'll show how it looked the next day
Happy SkyWatch


Tom said... witnessed some gorgeous foggy days. I hope that you will enjoy many more.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Absolutely stunning! Looking down on that fog layer is surreal.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Wonderful set of images. My foggy photo today was more like your first and second ones.

Jim said...

Looks peaceful.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Those lake of fog photos are outstanding!!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos of the low fog there. Reminds me so much of the coast here. I love it!

HappyK said...

What wonderful foggy pictures. I love when you can look down at the fog!!

Jocelyn said...

Amazing shots!

Alana said...

You got some excellent fog/mist captures in this series. Gorgeous!

Linda said...

Wonderful views. Have a good weekend.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I did and the next day was as good

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think the next day was as good

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were in a valley as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was, not a sound

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That sums it up, a lake of fog

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very reminicent of a coastline

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do as well, feels like you are looking down on the world

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Linda, enjoy yours as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Alana

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It is a view, living as I do on a flat prairie, that I haven't seen before. Lovely.

Mary Kirkland said...

It does look like you could walk across it. I love foggy pictures.

Photo Cache said...

Above the clouds shots are wonderful.

Worth a Thousand Words

Light and Voices said...

Fog really adds a plus to scenic landscape shots in my opinion. These are top notch photographs.

William Kendall said...

All that fog looks delightful.

Sreisaat Adventures said...

Super photos! I wouldn't mind going for daily walks if that lovely scene awaits me :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I sort of know what you mean as we live in a relatively flat area though there are hills near by I can look down and see the fog sometimes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks like Ice you slide on

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I was pleased with the result and to see it in reality

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was something else to see

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It does not happen often

Penelope Notes said...

The last photo is particularly lovely. The magic about fog is that something is hidden within it waiting to be revealed.