Thursday 11 August 2022

Sunday Sunset


This is a post that I have put of for a while because of the amount I had  in my collection. I had intended to post it when we had the really hot day but I felt that that was such and even it wanted a mention now I have finally gotten around to showing the sunset. It was take on a Sunday night in July and I took quite a few photos so no apologies for the number I posted

This is what I looked at first of all the clouds in the sky with the sun going down, it was about 8:30 in the evening

 I loved how the clouds looked like fluffy little cotton balls

One more shot a moment later

Nearly half an hour later I went out the front and just got a shot with a plane leaving a vapour trail

I looked there again nearly 20 min's later

It was nearly 9:30 when I took this from the patio 

It was 9:30 when I too this from the bathroom

Going back out the front a couple of moments later the colour looked superb

A minuet later I took my last shot, The sky kept giving that evening and was all gone a short time later.
Happy Skywatch


NewRobin13 said...

Wow! That is a truly beautiful sunset. I'm so glad you took the time to photograph this as it unfolded. Love it!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love those puffy clouds! It us never easy to predict how beautiful a sunset will be, even with clouds in the sky to reflect the rays--you captured an extra gorgeous one!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Amazing skies you captured for us. I love that you show us the sequence as the sun descended.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

No apologies needed with regard to number of photos. These are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them.

mvmaithai said...

Interesting series of pictures of the sky. Thanks for sharing!

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful sunset.

HappyK said...

Gorgeous sky to watch change from minute to minute.

Red said...

Nice to see a series of shots throughout the evening.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Once I started I just kept going

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Always try and get the reflections if I can

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That just seem to flow as the evening went on

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I feel guilty sometimes with the amount

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No problem

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I just kept watching the changes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Red

rupam sarma said...

Awesome skies

Jim said...

Wonderful clouds.

Aimz said...

They do look like candy floss and cotton balls

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous shots.