Thursday 4 August 2022

On the Way Home


These photos were taken a month ago when we came hope from Wales. As we were coming off the A34 at Chilton I noticed the sunset and took a few photos out of the window so they are not quite as sharp.

This was around 8:30 in the morning after we climbed the hill from the campsite, I looked down and got this photo

This was nearly 10 pm as we came off the slip road, the sun had gone down and left a pink hue

Going down Hagbourne hill I took one out the window towards Didcot
I took a last one near home of the pink horizon

The flowing evening I looked out  the front of the hose and saw the clouds tinged pink

A panoramic seemed in order

And one from our bathroom

The moon was in the sky eager to take over from the sun

Happy Skywacth


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You are so generous with your photos this week. They are all great!!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Because the one for next week I have wanted to show for a wile and did not want to wait longer

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful sky photos. I love the first one. What an awesome view!

Jocelyn said...

Great pictures.

roentare said...

These are incredible sunset and skyscape !

NewRobin13 said...

Such beautiful skies there. It surprises me how light it is at 10:00 pm, but it was the time of the longest days of summer.

Linda said...

Great skies!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That one is always good and spectacular at times

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Jocelyn

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It would have been nice if I had got them a little earlier and not from a moving car

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Even lighter up in Scotland. It darker at that time here now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Linda

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Billy!
Thank you very much for visiting me!
Your photos are perfect as always. I am delighted with the sunset.
Hugs and greetings :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you I would not go so far as perfect but I'm glad you like them

HappyK said...

That first picture is stunning. What a beautiful scene.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A little nicer with blue sky

Alana said...

I so enjoyed your first picture. "Pastoral" comes to mind. And, thinking of a 10pm sunset, I've only seen that late a sunset once in my life.

Photo Cache said...

Very nice documentation.

Visting from Skywatch Friday!

Worth a Thousand Words

Light and Voices said...

Nice photographs. I double looked at the 10 P.M. shot. The light on the pole is awesome.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is very much like that in Wales

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was the reflection through the car window caused that

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous twilight views.