Thursday 3 March 2022

Febuary sunset


About the second week of Feb I showed photos of the snowdrops in our garden. Later that day I went off to collect my son from the station and noticed the sun setting across the farmland. Well you just have to stop don't you 

The sun was setting behind the clouds
I panned across a little to get the clump of trees in the photo and noticed a ray of light
Next morning I looked out of the bedroom window to be greeted by this wonderful glow
Even panning slight left did not diminish it

Normaly this is the first place I look in the morning so see the suns glow
Happy Skywatch


John's Island said...

Hi Bill, Beautiful shots! Wonderful sunrises make my day. Thanks for sharing yours. John

NewRobin13 said...

I love seeing the skies there, beautiful sunrise and sunset. Thank you for keeping an eye on the sky there and sharing what you see.

Jim said...


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Yes you do have to stop. So beautiful!!

William Kendall said...


Jocelyn said...


Amila said...


Jutta.K. said...

Wonderful, impressive sky !

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The sky rarely lets us down even when the world is looking dark.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No problem John, glad you enjoyed them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sorry they are not very good at the moment

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I knew you would agree it is the sort of thing you would do as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you WIlliam

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were indeed

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sky's like that bring joy to me every time I see them

Mary Kirkland said...

Oh wow, those are really pretty pictures.