Monday 24 January 2022

Woody the Woodpecker

We all know who he is the little cartoon character you see on the TV well this is a little story about another woody we have visiting our garden

Lets start here, this dovecote was a Christmas Present I made my wife a few years ago after she asked for one, Being as we did not was Pigeons nesting in it I made the doors so that the same birds could use it. and that is what they did, at least the blue tits did which was very pleasing to see. A couple of mornings ago we were woken to a loud drumming noise which sounded like the birdhouse. Looking out the window showed nothing but when we got up my wife went to see what was going on

and this is what she found, peck marks around the holes

which were big

The hole ended up looking like this

He then had  a go at another hole enlarging it

I finally caught the little blighter in action

Since then I think he has been looking for a mate and chasing off other birds but the starlings have noticed the holes and are now trying to take up residence. I will let you know what happend.

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oh dear! I wonder what sort of woodpecker that is. And I wonder why he's picking on your beautiful birdbox.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful woodpecker you have there. Yes, he's making a bit of mess of your bird box, but he's doing a great job prepping for a family. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Aimz said...

That's clever but looks like it gets well used.

Mary Kirkland said...

Wow, he is sure working his way around that hole to make it bigger.

William Kendall said...

A resourceful chap.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

They will do that to get at the young of other birds you have nesting. You can buy little metal plates to prevent them enlarging the holes. I think I'd be inclined to sacrifice one door to see if a family of woodpeckers result.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He is a great spotted woodpecker, quite a common one though not so around here

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well he is not doing much of a job looking after it, starlings are moving in

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is but a few different birds

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He has left two

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He is that

Billy Blue Eyes said...

There are no birds nesting in it at the moment which is lucky but the starlings are trying to move in now. I'm going to make a new one and put plates on it

Linda said...

After all that work, I hope he gets to keep his house.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He's not bee about much so the starlings are looking at it

Peabea Scribbles said...

He sounds like he's doing the morse code. So fun to watch. Heard one last Summer, and the pecking was so fast. Thank you for sharing.