Monday 17 January 2022

Garden in January


Bit of a rush to find what to post today so went to the garden for inspiration

On the patio a rambling rose still had leaves growing on it

A magnolia in a flower bed is budding well

This one will be in flower in another month or so

In another flower bed bulbs can bed seen sticking their tops through the soil

Not far away in the lawn daffodils are showing themselves

One with a flower bud

Lots of flowers seeded and they are growing now

Some of the roses are budding

snowdrops show their presence below the Olive Tree

And in the flower bed beside it a clump of snowdrops show that they will be flowering very soon.

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


Fun60 said...

I worry that some of the plants might be lost if we have some frosty mornings.

Aimz said...

I like it when the bulbs make their way through the soil, meaning Spring is on it's way.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your garden there. Not much happening here except for kale growing in the veggie beds. Soon there will be flowers.

Klara said...

great garden. hopefully no frost bites for those lovely buds.

Red said...

It's a good thing you stopped in the garden because there's lots going on there.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great to see all the bulbs shooting. I hope that Magnolia doesn't peak too soon.

NCSue said...

Isn't it nice to see evidence of new life in the garden?
Thanks for sharing at

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That could be the case, it is not something I have ruled out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's good to see the bulbs like Daffodils and snowdrops popping up

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No veg growing here at the moment

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think some of them will crop it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

There is when you look more closely

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It may well have but it always does bloom early

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Brings hope at least

William Kendall said...

Lovely shots. All of ours are buried in snow.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Nice photos of the emerging shoots.

riitta k said...

Hi Billy,
Wonderful signs of the upcoming spring! In Finland the ground is still covered with snow.