Wednesday 22 December 2021

More Christmas Lights


Tonight I thought I would pop up another part of the village to see the lights, it was worth it. 

Along the road I was visiting this was in one garden

The retired teachers garden with the display cabinet all lit up

Just along the road a little

This does not look so good a it is on my phone but if you see it for real it looks quite magical

Just out of sight

Wider view along the road a little

The retired teachers front garden

and that is a view up the road I had been along

This one is on a corner near where I lived as a kid.
There were quite a few people walking around the village looking at the lights enjoying them.
Hope you did to

Merry Christmas


William Kendall said...

These are pretty!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

They go to a lot of trouble round your way. Not so much of a show here.

Anonymous said...

The lights there are so beautiful. Merry Christmas!

NCSue said...

Wow! Delightful displays!
Thanks for sharing at Wishing you a merry Christmas!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were this year

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Some placed do others go to town

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They really were. Merry Christmas

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Always a pleasure

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I haven't gotten out to see lights this year, so thank you.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They seem much better here this year