Monday 8 February 2021

The Walk Home


Carrying on from last weeks walk of the East end of Cholsey, I left you outside Blackhalls Farm now we will carry on back to the village

You can walk here through the old farm yard as it is a footpath

You will walk past the gates to this place Blackhalls Farm which used to own most of the surrounding land, this is where the owner of the old Danish Bacon company lived. I might add another person called Janet Wedgewood live here as well who was a local photographer who had links to the Wedgwood family 

This is the front of the Farmhouse

Nearby is this lane that runs to some houses further along, this is most likely where the old Wallingford Road went

It went in this direction towards Bow Bridge, the corn dryers have been built over the old road

Further along you can look bast the corn barns towards some houses where the backs face old road

It would have one along to the front hedges you seen in the field where it linked with another road also now gone.  Further on it connected to the Turnpike

We go along this concrete track laid by a farmer for their use, it has now been adopted as a footpath

Look over to the right you see the houses on the old East End Farm land, the filed I am looking across will be part of that estate in the near future when they start building on it.

As you near the end of the track you come to this building which is the local veterinary surgery but once there was another building here an abattoir, all that remains of it now are the building in the foreground where the animals were kept. The place now keeps animals that are sick

The track come out by this path which is part of Ilgies lane and takes you to the Reading road, once you could walk across that road and get to the Tames but they moved the footpath

This is the Vets, when it first opened the building was in the carpark in front and the Old abattoir stood where the new building is now

This where we go now along Ilgies Lane which is one of the oldest roads in the village.

 You will walk though a lot of modern housing before coming to this part which is the older part of the village, the red brick building you see ahead was the Eagle Pub but closed many years ago,carry on along the lane brings you to the village.

The Morland Artist in Brewing sign on the former Eagle Pub

I'm a little late in showing this photo which is of Red Cow Cottage along the Wallingford Road. It was taken from the back of the house I lived in across the field around 1982. It shows that this is the front of the house and the old Wallingford Road would have run past the front of where you see it. since this photo was taken the field up to the fence you see is now a housing estate.
I will leave you here and show you another part in another blog

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone.


Fun60 said...

I enjoyed the walk with you. Some very impressive buildings like the first farmhouse.

Jim said...

Good post.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful pastoral photos and I love the pictures of the village, too! Thank you!

NCSue said...

It looks squelchy wet out there but lovely all the same! We've had lots of rain here too lately.
Thanks for sharing at

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love all the3 foot paths and I love that you know so much about the area.

William Kendall said...

A splendid walk!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful long walk.

Photo Cache said...

What a peaceful walk. Thank you for taking me.

Worth a Thousand Words

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it is and there are a few more like that in the village

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, like all places there are some good and bad bits

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was not too bad that day

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Helps being brought up here and living in the village most of my life

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not a bad one

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I could have made it longer

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was that day, not many people about

Sharon said...

Another lovely walk! I enjoyed every step.

Bill said...

A wonderful walk and tour through the town.
Thank you.