Thursday 18 February 2021

Snow drop sky


This week I thought I would show the sky from a different viewpoint, like a bugs eye view 

 The Snowdrops tower overhead

They look like alien plants looking down
The nearby plant looks like a huge tree towing over the snowdrops

 and finish we look up at the first daffodil as it starts to flower

Happy Skywatch



Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful photos and wonderful perspective. It's hard to get without getting down on the ground on your belly. We call those "belly shots"!

kwarkito said...

beautiful !

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your idea and the execution of your idea!!

Jim said...


Anonymous said...

I love this perspective. So beautiful! What a great idea.

William Kendall said...

The daff is my favourite.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Wonderful! Great way to change perspective and get interesting images.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I tried some of those shots but didn't nail one of them! It's a different world from down there.

Aimz said...

Daffodil is my favourite flower, love seeing those.

Nanda kumar said...

Fantastic pictures

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I just flipped the back screen down and shot up was not keen on a belly shot on the wet ground

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I have been mulling it over a while

Billy Blue Eyes said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I was glad they came out Ok, not sure if it would work

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was a last moment thought but came out OK

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Always like trying a different way to take photos

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I used what you call your silly little camera

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad to say they have started to come out now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad you like them

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

A lovely perspective.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Shooting from low angles is not easy for me and unfortunately my camera does not have one of those flip screens. That said, it was nice to see the blooms from this perspective, Billy, and also to see flowers as we have snow on the ground and no blooms.

Bill said...

A different view by looking up. Nice!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Hopefully you will have them coming through when the snow clears

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Bill


Buena visión del cielo desde esa gran perspectiva.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Gracias por tu comentario.