Monday 23 November 2020

Winter Garden


 Before I start how many of you are becoming frustrated with this new blogger. I have been trying to updates some old blogs on my Rural Explorations and find the photos and commentary I write go where they want. You cannot place a portrait photo side by side in large format any more. If you place a photo to one side with commentary on the other it either does not let you or has to go under the photo. Now a new blog I was starting to write just vanished when I clicked the back button. I'm at the stage of just throwing it in and finding another format to use. Why the developers could not leave it as it was I cannot understand, do they do not understand if it is not broke don't fix it.

Back to something more pleasant things. 

While we are now three weeks into a four week lockdown here in England and have been wondering what to write but then looked in the garden for inspiration and there it was straining me in the face. So off I went with my iPhone and got some pictures.

 It all looks quite grim on the patio with everything dormant or is it

The magnolia has fluffy buds on it

This Saliva still has flowers and leaves growing on it 

 This rose has buds crowing new branches on

The clematis was only planted this year and is growing well

It has even got buds growing

 There is even a rose growing still in one of the pots

That's all Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone


NCSue said...

I'm not getting frustrated with your blogging - I enjoy what you share. And all bloggers everywhere face a learning curve especially with new platforms. That's why I've stuck with the one I learned first. This old dog doesn't much WANT to learn new blogging tricks!
Thanks for sharing at

Lydia C. Lee said...

The rose is lovely!! (I'm still having problems with the formatting of photos on the new's a pain)

eileeninmd said...

I am not happy with the new blogger format, the old version was fine. Your garden looks tidy, I like the birdhouse and garden art. The rose is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Fun60 said...

I agree that there was nothing wrong with the old format. Interesting to see your garden getting ready for the winter.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely garden shots.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I treat the new blogger like the young men with autism I used to look after: accept what they're willing to do and work within those parameters, and just try to smile and stay calm! I noticed several roses still flowering when I went out yesterday, though after a sharp frost I'm not sure how long they'll survive.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do enjoy blogging I just do not understand whey it had to change for the worse trouble is you cannot change back

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'm surprised about the rose still blooming

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The birdhouses were fun to paint

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Been getting that way for a while but odd there are bugs already

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Maybe I should try and see how it works better for me. I think a few things will die off after a hard frost

Anonymous said...

Your garden still looks lovely. We've had a few frosty below-freezing mornings here, so most of our garden is quite dormant.
I hope you can get blogger to work in the way you want it to. I'm still a bit frustrated with it as well. If you do go to a different platform, keep us posted here, so we can find you.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have had a couple of frosts when I noticed the thermometer was below zero. I'm working my way around the problem at the moment on some older blogs.

Rosie said...

I like your patio garden with buds even though you have had frosts. We don't get frosts in my part of South Australia. It has been hot here for a few days almost 40C today, everything is starting to shrivel up it is so hot.

betty-NZ said...

It pays to look closely! What lovely little signs of life!

My blog layout is very simple so I don't have any advice, sorry :(

What a fantastic addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!