Wednesday 30 September 2020

Parked on the Hill




John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It's unusual to see that kind of equipment left parked up out in the open these days; it's far too easy, and extremely profitable, for thieves to help themselves to a few hundred thousand pounds worth of gear.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Stopped to take in the view, I think.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

This was parked on Aberedw Hill and from the look had been there over night, not sure anyone would know it was there apart from any one walking past

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Must admit it was a nice view

bookworm said...

That's pretty trusting. And a pretty blue. And a pretty view. Alana

Robin said...

Fantastic shot. The interplay of colours is brilliant.

Thanks for the upload!

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks Robin, never thought about it when I took the photo

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That looks like a handy little tractor, perfect for a home garden?