Monday 28 September 2020

Last of the Roses


Well you might have noticed I was missing last week, I took a few days break, I showed where I was in Skywatch Friday.  I feel we all need cheering up with some flowers this week, my garden is beginning to shut down for the winter but we still have a few roses cheering the place up

 Could not tell you the name of this one my wife grew from a stick she was given

 All I can tell you it smells amazing

 This one I lady Hamilton and is another one with a beautiful perfume

 Forgotten the name of this one which grows by the patio

 A beautiful white rose which I should know the name of

I do love this pink one growing by a trellis

I think this is a Nemesia Wisley Vanilla which has a beautiful sent in the evening

 Last of all a Rudbeckia which we were lucky to have as we found slugs were eating it before we sorted a way to stop them

I will leave you with this collage of some of the flowers
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care Everyone



eileeninmd said...


Beautiful collection of roses.. Lovely images! Enjoy your day, have a great week!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The last roses of the year always seem like the best to me for some reason. These are great.

Gone Tropical said...

Beautiful roses, I can almost smell them :)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

They're just exquisite! Thank you!

Fun60 said...

Your garden still has lots of colour. I like that you have scented roses.

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are so beautiful.

Red said...

Those blooms would certainly cheer a person up.

Lady Fi said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Think they are always the most pleasing to see

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's a pity you cannot

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks glad you like them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

O yes even on a gloomy day

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes Roses are always gorgeous

Susie of Arabia said...

What a lovely assortment of roses you have! That vanilla flower sounds interesting too.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

These are wonderful photos! The colors bring joy to our hearts!
Greeting Elke

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have more that the ones I showed. The Nemesia Vanilla is well worth looking out for

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The do that Ok

Linda said...

Lovely flowers! I wish that summer would last longer.