Remember last Friday I featured a tree with a bird singing it's heart out. Over the years I have seen a lot of birds in that tree from Kit's to Wrens. The day before I posted the blog I heard a chain saw and thought they were trimming the branches off a tree in a nearby garden I then looked out the back door in the direction and saw the lower branches on the tree move. My first thought was they are trimming the lower branches
I then noticed movement in the tree and spotted a tree surgeon hacking off the branches, I then knew that was the last of the tree

It was not long before he was well up the tree

and not long before he was on the last bit
The last few branches came off

He spent a few moment preparing the last bit for cutting and then the birds perch was falling
The birds would no longer no singing in the tree
He worked his way back down
To this point

he was about 15 foot off the ground and cutting the last section I could see
And then it too was gone
Now this is the view from my back door, no longer will we hear the birds singing out of the tree though we still hear them in the morning I feel they morn the loss
So sad!
That's really too bad. I hate to see big, mature trees cut down.
Why?! Why does the tree have to be cut down?
What a pity ...
Oh wie schade !!
Sad to see, though it's a shame that people don't consider how big trees are likely to get before they plant them in their gardens. The neighbours had a tree next to my mother's garden cut down and our veg patch was much more productive afterwards - the tree was obviously taking a lot of water and nutrients from the soil.
Very sad, I think they could have cut a different tree down
It is though I feel they only needed to take the top out
I don't know, only bonus was they also cut a couple of old tall stumps down as well
Sehr schade
To be fair it was panted a long time ago. The last owner also gas a nice wildlife pond and we had frog hopping around our garden. He sold the place and the new owners filled in the pond now the frogs have gone, I'm hoping the pond I have now will attract then again. Sometime I wonder how much people realise what impact they have on a place
Your Joking!!
That's so sad. My neighbour cut down a huge pine on his front lawn, must have been 25 years old. I cried.
It is sad to see that beautiful tree be cut down like that. I know the birds will miss it.
We have lived in this house for 35 years and the tree was there then
Nor sure I do as if it fell it would come down on our house it was that tall and that included crossing the next door's garden
I know that sometimes it's necessary for safety, but I am always sad to see and a large old tree cut down. We had a very large tree that had to be taken down a few years ago because it was dying. It was it's own little ecosystem, home to raccoons, squirrels and numerous birds. It was heartbreaking to see it go. But to everything there is a season.
I cannot say it was a pretty tree more a an ornamental one which got out of hand. people plant them because they look nice but do not realise they can grow big and by the time they have there is not much they can do with it. The birds did like it though
Like others have commented, we also had a very large and old tree in our front yard and it had to be taken down due to the possibility of it being blown over in a storm and damaging our former home. We were saddened that it had to go, but the house had more priority. Perhaps the homeowners felt the same about this tree in their yard.
It happens, my wife had a friend who's house was hit by a tree after it was struck by lightening,went through the roof an the end wall. She had to move out for six months while it was repaired
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