Last weekend Storm came through the country and on the Sunday morning they were due to blow up the remaining stack from the old Didcot Power Station
For once I really did not fell like battling the elements to get a few photos and I thought the weather would postpone it but no it came down at 7:30 in the morning. I waited till after mid day and went along to see how the countryside looked now
The wind was still blowing hard, in the region of 60MPH gusts so when I tried to get a photo with my camera and long lens it kept getting blown to the right. I'm not sure I would have done that well with it on a tripod getting blown over early in the morning when the winds were worse/ The link at the beginning shows this view from the last time I came to get photos. It's the last photo and shows how different it looks, the link is a video I got off you tube
I walked down the hill and used the tree you see the branch of as a support but I found that was not a lot better due to the tree moving. These were taken with my iPhone which move a bit as well and looks West
Going back to my car in the distance we look East, over the village I was nearly blown over heading back

The top of Cholsey Hill
Zoomed in in the iPhone you can see the stacks of the New Didcot Power Station that runs now
The Ashdown hills as I call them and where the battle of Ashdown took place between King Alfred the great and the Danes, nowadays it is know as the Downs
Last look Last the clouds towards Wallingford
Last of All Happy Valentines Day
This is what the sky looked like in the last few days, but today we had a bit of sunshine!
Beautiful photos!
We had some sunshine as well but it's now turning back like that because of the next storm coming in
60 mph winds! That's quite a windy day to be out walking and taking photos. Nice to see the skies there. Happy Valentine's Day!
You're a braver man than me! I stayed indoors last weekend and even the excitement of a falling chimney would not have tempted me out.
We have the same again this weekend as well
I was in two minds about going but was glad I did not in the morning after seeing some video, I do not think I would been able to keep the camera and lens on the Tripod steady, it really did blow my lens sideways and nearly blew the iphone out of my hands
Please tell me why you sent the storm to me? LOL
This weekend another storm is coming or not?
Beautiful photos!
Thank you for your well wishes!
Enjoy your Valentine!
I did not mean to. Afraid this time of year seems to have become a storm season now when once we had frost and snow.
Hope you have good day
I believe it immediately but it's hard to see.
Maybe I should have edited the photos a bit
Taking photos in the wind is really a challenge. These look to be in good focus, so you managed well!
That video was fascinating to see but you could sure hear the wind blowing. I'm glad that wind didn't blow you over.
Think I was lucky
You could not sure I would want to be videoing it
Very moody skies!
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