Wednesday 15 August 2018

Duck in the Church


DrillerAA said...

That is a handsome chair the duck is sitting in, but it looks painfully uncomfortable. Have a blessed day.

Linda W. said...

Even ducks need a little spiritual guidance! :)

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting chair. I wonder how the duck got there!

William Kendall said...

That's something you don't expect in a church.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Gostei deste trabalho.
Um abraço e bom Feriado.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Sharon said...

Is he joining the choir?

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

He seems to be behaving himself.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your right though I did not try sitting in it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Think we all do at times

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Could be to do with the creche they have beside it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No I did not till I visited a few churches now it seems normal to have a creche in a church

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Obrigado meu amigo

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Would be interesting to see

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes a good duck

Bill said...

A distinguished looking duck sitting in a chair of authority. :)

Handmade Jewelry Haven said...

A comic relief in such a serious chair, to be sure.

Thanks for sharing!

- Lisa

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Too funny! But there's no reason why a well-behaved duck can't get some religion.