Wednesday 4 April 2018

Now you see it, now you don't


Bob Scotney said...

We seem to get more and more sites like this - making way for 250 more look-alike estates.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

E de repente desapareceu.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Beth F said...

Too bad. It's happening all over the world.

Eclecticity said...

Was the building condemned or was it purchased by some wealthy/greedy organization or contractor?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It gets worse, the intend to build more nearby

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Com certeza

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your right there

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The latter greedy developers

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Change is the only constant. They've cleared all the land around a deserted house near me and I'm waiting to see if they'll demolish it or refurbish it.

DrillerAA said...

When you see land being cleared in our area, the fear is that another 500 apartments are about to be built.

NCSue said...

Sort of sad, isn't it?
Thanks for sharing at

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's happening here too in our little corner of the world.

Bill said...

A sad sight in today's world. Change is constant and never ending. Glad you captured it before it all disappears. Someday no one will recognize the site.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sometimes they leave it for ages

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thats how I feel

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your counrty is much bigger than ours but you still get the speculators

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I can't help wondering how much the owners made out of selling the place, was it worth the dislike the locals have for them

William Kendall said...

Speaking from personal experience, developers are dirtbags whose word is completely worthless.

Robin said...

Sad to see such a neat old house go. In my part of the world it's usually a beautiful natural area I end up grieving, but they'll do this too. More and more as our society gets on, leaving more charming building from an increasingly remote past, and fewer untouched areas to "develop".

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Aw. Hate to see that.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your so right there and once they see some property they will not give up

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Worst thing is it was a very nice garden surrounding the place and a nice water feature to the right which was attached to Bradfords Brook, now its a ruin

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Me too and it loose even worse now

Mary said...

Going on all around me too - cute little ranch style homes of the '60's valued around $250,000 being torn down to put up huge 3 story "McMansions" with over a million $ price tags! And don't even get me started on new roads supposedly required to cut through lovely old neighborhoods - it's all very upsetting this thing they call 'progress.'
I'm back from Patagonia Bill and will try to visit here more often again!
Always enjoy your photos and such - Mary

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think that hose had to be worth some where in the region of one Million pounds

Birgitta said...

Sad. This happend in our country also.

Sharon said...

The magic of the wrecking ball! Too bad.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Iwonder why sometimes

Billy Blue Eyes said...

More like an ecavator with a grab here