Wednesday 11 April 2018

Daffodils in the Snow


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Daffodils in the snow? Oh my. Where is our spring? What is going on?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No worry it is on the way though still a bit wet from the rain we are having

Beth F said...

Spring! We still have (a little) snow and daffodil sprouts ... no flowers yet. Still how great to finally see some color.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lots of them out here now

Liz said...

oh, I love daffodils!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Think they make everyone smile

Amanda McCusker said...

It's such a juxtaposition. They are beautiful though. Stay warm!

Sharon said...

They appear to be surviving.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Linda W. said...

So much for spring! :)

NCSue said...

It's pretty, but I must admit that I prefer the flowers over the snow - I'm ready to see the last of Old Man Winter!
Thanks for linking up at

Fun60 said...

Hope you haven't still got snow Bill!

Birgitta said...

Poor flowers...but a good photo!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No it's gone though I did see some clinging to the hills in Wales last weekend

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are fine and flowering well

Anonymous said...

There is something so beautiful about daffodils in the snow.

John's Island said...

Hi Bill, Now this is just down right interesting … daffodils blooming in the snow. I guess winter is saying, not so fast. But warmer weather can’t be too far away. I enjoyed these photos … thank you for sharing! Hope you have a fine week ahead! John