Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Window Toys


William Kendall said...

One of my friends would love those Minions. Mind you, she probably already has them!

Aritha V. said...

Ja, nice :-) Love this window toys.

NCSue said...

Thanks for joining the party at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/08/purple-passion.html

Ingrid said...

I would like the cat !

Phil Slade said...

Don't let my grandkids see those Minions Bill. They'd kill for them, especially the one in the blue car.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Better not let them see the ones on my desk then.

Fun60 said...

Would definitely like the guitar playing minion for my granddaughter.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Oh my! Fun to see these pop up here and there.

Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

Bev said...


Sharon said...

The Asian kitties look like they belong in a restaurant but, I love the minions.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were in a restaurant window, I had to take a photo of them