Monday 8 August 2016

Mural in a Pillbox

Taken a few years ago now but one of my projects is recording the remaining pillboxes from World War Two that formed the various defence lines left around the country. Two of the are in my region along the river Thames and River Kennet. This particular one is along the Kennet at Garston Lock. If I get the chance I look inside, this one had a door on which was locked but you could see through the embrasures.

It had obviously been abused in the past  from the graffiti on the outside

  But inside the has painted some amazing work

 The face on the wall just looked at you 

 And over near the door you could see Sylvester looking for Tweety. Sham I could not get more inside but what I saw impressed. The pillboxes on this stretch go a long way along the Kennet and I still have may to record but you can see some of what I did along the Thames here 
Taking Part in Monday Mural


biebkriebels said...

Someone had to get in there to make these portraits that nodbody can see. Interesting.

Marleen said...

The eyes somehow grab your attention. It's an interesting mural.

MadSnapper said...

i have read about these pill boxes but never seen one. the murals are amazing and your photos are beautiful.

Tigermouse said...

I like the face on the wall, the eyes are very striking and it seems like it's looking straight at you.

Halcyon said...

The face is sort of sad and ghostly. Interesting finds!

Jackie McGuinness said...

Thanks for this, now I am going to check out the Thames pill boxes. I also need to find out why they were called pill boxes!!

Gosia said...

interesting building

Linda W. said...

Sometimes the folks painting the graffiti are really talented!

SpacerGuy said...

The building with the graffiti inside really brightens up and makes an awesome match.

Fun60 said...

Enjoyed this post. Happy reminders of my Thames walk.

Christine said...

Excellent find & talented art work inside, especially Sylvester!

William Kendall said...

It's good that they're still being preserved.

Sharon said...

Interesting. That really is a great Sylvester.

Tom said...

I like the simplicity of it.

ellen b. said...

Interesting use of the pill box walls.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

For some reason the face reminds me of Greta Garbo. A fantastic find. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.