Tuesday 14 July 2015

Steam Rally Part 2

Last week I showed some photos from a Steam Rally I went to with my wife, steam engines were not the only attraction as I will show you in this blog.

There were tractors

all sorts

from the Fordsons, ( I have driven one)

this might be an old MOD one

nice orange one

red ones which is a Nuffield

old ones

and even older ones

They had Indians

and lots of cowboys

hanging around though I'm not sure what he is up to with the gun
But the sheriff was around to keep order

 Mind you the army was not far away, well some restorers were

stationary engines

fairground rides


even a six wheel drive one

quite a few classic cars

from big to small

to small. for you who do not know this is a Hilman Imp, came out the same time as a Mini

has to be one of the cars I always wanted a Astin Healey 3000

My wife has an affection for these which go under the nickname Peanuts. She owned and learned to drive in one 
Pontiac Firebird 
now the only this missing from the show was an Mini, I was gutted to find there were none there. Well that is what you can see at a local steam rally in the UK, might add this was the prelude to an even bugger one a week or so later at Woodcote not far away.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Jim said...

Good shots

William Kendall said...

The sheriff certainly looked the part. Beautiful cars!