Monday 6 January 2014

Forty Eight Hours

Over the last few weeks the weather in the UK has been atrocious with high winds & rain being the norm here. The rain caused  flooding  which affected a lot of homes. On Friday we had rain so Saturday I visited Wallingford to see the Level of the Thames. This has always been a reference point for me and in the distance you can see the grass on the opposite bank.
The two red marks in the right hand corner by the big step are flood level markers
 Overnight we had torrential rain which caused more flooding so I popped down again for another photo. The big step is still visible but the grass on the other side along with the carpark has gone

Sunday night yet more rain so I went down a while ago and got the last photo. The time period is a bit over 48 hours but you can see the affect. The large step in the previous photos has now gone and is at the bottom of the photo, I failed to use the same place with the tripod to get it and the flood makers in. The water is presently 4 inches or 100mm below the 2007 level. At the moment I feel the Thames is still rising and with more rain it will reach the levels
Since taking this photo the river has risen to over the 2007 level 
If you want to read more about the weather from my point over the years the check my other blog on the British Weather.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds serious! I hope the Thames stops rising soon.

LOLfromPasa said...

Oh my! That looks so frightening!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Again you have a fabulous record here Bill!! Love that last shot. YAM xx

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I seriously doubt it, I feel it sill has a little way to go

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I would think the rivers & canals where you are situated are high as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Has to be done

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Great photos recording the 'rains in the Thames' ~ New England has had wind, rain, snow and now probably ice storm ~ Great shots for OWT ~ ^_^

Fun60 said...

Worrying times Bill. Let's hope the floods are not followed by the ice storms from America.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

'O' yes that would set the cat among the pigeons and cause no end of problems we could not cope with or should I say the council and government could not cope as they are so inept

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks, I might just see if I can go in and check again tomorrow

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, floods are scary..not to mention all the damage they cause. I hope the water levels have receeded by now.. Have a happy week!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No chance, reckon we have a few more days yet before it starts to recede

Linda W. said...

Wow, that's a lot of water! Hope things dry out soon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No chance I fear it has gon up to the 2007 level overnight

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wow, really a lot of water. I like your shadow on the wall in your last photo. Great !
Best regards, Synnöve

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You know I did not realise it was there untill I looked a the photo on the blog

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Fascinating - and excellent - series of photos. What a start to 2014!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks but it's not over yet

Sharon said...

Wow, it just keeps climbing and your photos really tell the story.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That may well do for some one but it does show how the water rises over the days

Judy said...

Being raised on the Mississippi River, I have seen a lot of flooding. This brings back some scary memories.

Pamela Gordon said...

Wow, that is crazy. I feel sorry for those affected by the flooding. It will happen here in the spring too as we've had so much snow this year. Great photos. I like the one at night.

Anonymous said...

Great series of photos. Amazing amount of rain you are getting. And we here in California are dry as a bone. I was going to do a post about it, but it was too depressing.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sorry hope they did not scare you too much but then the Mississippi is a lot bigger than the Thames

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's not too bad round this area but there are places like Oxford & Reading that hit

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well I'm sure most of us here woul be only too happy for you to have some of this. I've still got to pop back tonight

Halcyon said...

Hope the rain slows down. Looks like you've had plenty for awhile!

RedPat said...

That is scary stuff, Bill!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I hope it does as well but the forecast does not look good

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is when you stand near it