Wednesday 15 January 2014

Pay at Meter


RedPat said...


Linda W. said...

Oh wow! Boat parking maybe...... :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is quite a photo. How are things now? Hope the weather has improved there.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Whoa- that is some serious flooding. Hope your home is ok!

Molly Page said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Or the odd swan

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Should be back to a muddy car park now

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is though it is still very wet round here

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yep its a bit deep

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

A funny picture and a great humor. Great !
Best regards, Synnöve

Andy said...

Holy Krap! I can't stop laughing. At least there was one funny side to the flooding.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

This photo resonates with me as we often have this sort of trouble. Not good. Glad the water has gone down.

Here's my Wordless Wednesday: Oregon!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks Synnöve glad you saw the funny side of it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I knew you would appreciate it Andy

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lucky we don't get it that often but just we seem to have just recently

Ileana said...

:) Quite dangerous to take pictures there! Hope you are ok! :)
Happy WW!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Don't worry I was on dry land

Sharon said...

I would not want to have left my car here when the water started to rise. This really gives us an idea of exactly how deep it is.

Halcyon said...


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Somewhere around 4ft there , I'll post another photo when it drys out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it does have the Wow factor

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh my - don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one!! Great shot Bill. YAM xx

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You have to laugh I took it because It it amused me.

Dana said...

So much water...

Unknown said...

Lots of parking space there if you need it. :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes you are not wrong there

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'm surprised no one tied a boat up to it.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

It took a few seconds for my brain to register that was water and not concrete! With our drought (finally formally announced today), I'd forgotten what water looked like.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thats me taking the photo at water level, we had more rain today and more on the way, perhaps you should move here