Monday 13 January 2014

The Floods

Well you have all heard about or seen the floods over here in the UK and seen some of the Thames which I have shown from Wallingford Bridge. Today I'll show some of the floods themselves.

 Thursday was the highest level and if you look you can see a line on the right marking the 1894 level. I might add the flood level so far was just shy of the 2003 one.

St Peter's Church with the river creeping up near the wall
Any one want to park here.
This is the Thames Path 

 This dude was paddling around in the riverside meadow
Along with a couple of swans. Have a great day
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


Fun60 said...

Good job I'm not trying to walk the Thames path at the moment as I think I would need scuba gear.

EricaSta said...

Oh, it's terrible ... What shall I say. We have to pray, that the water goes by ...

Linda W. said...

Wow - that is an amazing amount of water! Hope things dry up for your area very soon.

Photo Cache said...

ohmy! so much water your way, too much snowfall in the other parts and for us here in california, we're looking at drought. we need some rain, ASAP.

K V V S MURTHY said...

Nice photos..have a great day!

colleen said...

Swans in your driveway would get my attention. I love the expanse of photo 1.

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of flooding! Nice shots though.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You could use a cano like the guy in the floods.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It has and is now going down. Oxford is open again

Andrea said...

It is good in your case, but in our cases here in the country, properties are destroyed and people die when there are floods. Yesterday, just a Low Pressure Area produced lots of water that killed some people produced landslides in Mindanao and a lot of damages.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It amazes me how much there is flowing through, I think it was 95 tons a second going through the weirs at Osney in Oxofrd

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Think most of us here woul love you to have some of it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks for the vosit & comment

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We used to get them coming up the ramp to the kitchen at one place I woked beside the Thames, thought it was cool. Thanks for the comment Colleen

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is ladyfi but now going down

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We have had our fair share of damage and landslides here but I did not mention that two people died in the floods in Oxford. Water will cause damage depending on the environment we live in. Thanks for visiting

Our photos said...

You have taken beautiful photos, Bill!

The Greenockian said...

Gosh - it really was bad! Hope that's the end of the rain for a while!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank youfor the nice comment

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I could do with a dry spell to sort out my garden, to wet to do anything at the moment

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I saw a news bulletin about a youngster wake-boarding behind a 4x4, so I guess there are may who can see the fun and positive side to all the nuisance! More rain on the way too, if todays forecast to be believed. YAM xx

EG CameraGirl said...

I imagine a good deal more damage will be revealed once the water drains away! Very sad.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A lot of ruind crops to start with, the floods are not only the reiveside meadows, many field were as well.

Sharon said...

You certainly have more than your share of water. I've seen some other flood pictures posted on Flickr too.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think we have had our fare share of every one elses water as well. Some amazing arial shots on Flickr

Judy said...

It looks like the guy with the boat has the right idea. I love the swans and they look like they are happy about all the extra water.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He did though I'm not sure where he came from. Someone else was canoeing on the other side of the bridge as well

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wow! I am jealous though. The nearby reservoir (to Hollister) is the lowest I have ever seen it. Hope we get rain soon.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Saw a couple of people in canoes round here though I doubt they went out into the main stream. We had some last night but we are still waiting for more

Halcyon said...

I have never seen floods like this in person. It must be scary.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I hope you get some, save us getting it all then

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is if your near them but stand clear view them it is ok

Dana said...

I imagine the only ones to appreciate all that water are the swans. Beautiful shots!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The ducks are quite happy there as well