Wednesday 11 December 2013

County Lock

Those of you who follow my blog may remember on Monday I showed a photo of murals along underpass where I said at the end of which was the River Kennet, well this is what it was like at the time which was Christmas Eve.  The river flows into the Thames a mile further along but when it floods it overflows upstream past the lock here.

 The ripple to the right of the picture is a weir

 The underpass  with the murals is off to the left of he photo I'll post another photo  next week showing the shopping center which was also flooded


The Greenockian said...

Pretty high water levels - does it flood often?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Only when the Thames floods after heavy reain. A lady I was talking too said it can get worse than this

Sharon said...

Having grown up on the Mississippi River, this is a scene I used to see almost every year in the spring. Sometimes it would be worse than others but, it was always destructive.

EG CameraGirl said...

Water is extremely powerful when it rushes. Very scary!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Now that is a river I would like to see, always facinated me after seein the riverboats on it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes as I know firsthand. I jumpped in a flow like that once for a laugh on a rope, I was taken downstream very quick and the rope ran out so my mates pulled me back. Not sure I'd want to get caught it it though asit is very dangerous

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

A lot of water in the small town.
Best regards, Synnöve

Judy said...

Living so close to the Mississippi as a child gave me great respect for the power of water. These pictures show that power.

Linda W. said...

Wow - that's a lot of water!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is Synnöve

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You should see the Thames, they have to close roads and bridges along it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes even though it is a small river there is a lot of water going through here

Anonymous said...

We are experiencing a drought here in California, so our rivers are reduced to a low trickle, transformed from their usual wintry raging. We need rain, but as so often happens when it comes it all comes at once, and we end up with scenes like this. Lovely, but too high and destructive.

Dana said...

That's a lot of water!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I thought in your last blog you had snow and were suffering from a broken boiler so did not realize you suffered from drought.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

"O" yes your right there a serious amount

LOLfromPasa said...

That looks seriously scary! (Appreciate your comments on my pillbox post. Great hobby of yours and interesting post about Thames pillboxes. Thanks.)

RedPat said...

Wow - that can be scary!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It does look that way but I always think the Thames looks worse when it floods

Billy Blue Eyes said...

O yes, it's not something you would want to fall in round that area

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Meant to say the Pillboxes are something I felt needed recording, I'm in the process of recording the ones along the Kennet now

Englepappa/ Ole JN said...

Water is a good thing, but too much water isn't that funny. Hopefully this turned out ok? Great pictures!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It took weeks to go down but it's all ok now till the next time

Our photos said...

That's too much water!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think the level may have dropped a little or had not peeked at the time so there would have been more.

Anonymous said...

Here's an article about in the San Francisco Chronicle:
We did have 7 inches of snow, but that's the first real bit of precipitation we've had all year. And, it's melting away pretty quickly. It's not going to do much for the replenishing the watersheds. The furnace was repaired. Waking up in a warm house is truly a gift when it's been below-freezing cold for a week!

DeniseinVA said...

I enjoy your blog very much Bill. Heard all about the flooding over there. These photos are very dramatic. I've always been afraid of rushing water, so I am glad to read the lady saying it wasn't as bad as in some years, bad enough I know. I'm already following you and you are in my blog roll also. Your photos are a very nice reminder of home :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I can Imagen it is. Thanks for the link

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I have posted a few from the Thames round where I live but there was a couple of places I would like to have visited but did not get the chance.

Unknown said...

There's a lot of power in all that water. It's both pretty and scary, if that makes sense.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes it does make sence

Susie Clevenger said...

There is so much power in water...great shots!!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your right there as another photo of mine can testify