Monday 4 November 2013

The Old Hospital

Three years ago I started on a project to record the conversion of an old Mental Hospital near where I live. The conversion was to take around four years with some modern buildings being demolished, it is now nearing it's completion so I feel now is the time to show some of the photos I took. Don't worry I won't be showing them daily but now and then I will throw the odd one in. You can see more on my other blog Forgotten Fairmile

This is the font of the hospital back in 2010 looking very sad and sorry for itself if you want to know how it has change then look here
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


Cynthia said...

I will be interested to see your photos of what has been done to restore and modernize it. I enjoyed reading its history in your other blog.

Linda W. said...

Hi Bill!

I'm a fellow photographer that loves to check out other's work. I'm your newest follower. :)

Linda W

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I've taken hundreds of photos round the place but have not shown them our of respect for the developers. I feel I can now show some of what I have taken. The other blog was mainly about areas where old photos of my parents were taken and how it look snow.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you and welcome along, hope you approve of my work

Electra said...

What a fascinating photo and building!

Our photos said...

Beautiful photo, Bill
Greetings, RW & SK

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I too love to read and see the history; looking forward to more! YAM xx

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Electra

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Many Thanks

Billy Blue Eyes said...

There is more in the other blog and on Flickr

Arija said...

Great complex but what about the lingering ghosts?

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Now there is a story, I don't believe in them but I am told there are a few people round the place have encountered them

Dana said...

I love old buildings. They always look like they have a real story to tell.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

We have a huge state hospital in our town. No longer a state hospital it was due for demolition also. Then thankfully it was bought and I am not sure what happened but, its now being restored bit by bit and converted into a multitude of things. Shops, cafe's offices and some of the old doctors and staff houses into many many other things. All the grounds are now trails and woodlands and fields. The garden and barns are soon to be a park...........what a wonderful thing that was and it is such a beautiful building that was so worth the saving

Billy Blue Eyes said...

This one does and is in a book now and guess who got mentioned in the Forward

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's good that this happened it would have been sad to have sad to have lost all the history of the place. Did you take any photos