Sunday 10 November 2013

11am 11th November

At 11am on the 11th November 1918 hostilities ceased and the first world war ended.
On that day ever since we have remembered the fallen from both the wars. All round the country people will stop work for 2 minuets and stand in silence 
The cross of Victory seen at so many Commonwealth War Cemetery's
The Canadian Memorial At Brookwood Commonwealth War Cemetery

Cross's at Wallingford War Memorial
We Will Remember Them


Mascha said...

Good thing you remember.
With us is connected with the 11:11. at 11.11am only the beginning of the carnival season. I'm not a fan of it -

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Everyone is remembered, there are no winners in war only loosers.

cath carbone said...

oui se souvenir.
Merci de ta visite et de tes gentils commentaires sur mes pages, Merci, bonne journée!

Timur Wilde Photography said...

Hi Bill...

i didn´t know anything about it ... so it´s too late to stop the work :)

Nice photos !

Best regards

Linda W. said...

When my daughter was younger I was her Girl Scout leader. I used to take my Girl Scout troop to march in a local parade every Veteran's Day. I'm hoping that the girls took away the fact that Veteran's Day is to honor the people who served our country and not just another holiday from school.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No doubt where you live you have a different way of remembering. We missed the time as no one told us over the tannoy system and we were working along the tunnel today.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The scouts and guilds do this on Remeberance Sunday, the 11th is not a holiday in the UK so people just tend to observe the tow minuets silence where they are at work. It is only in recent years this has been done and always seems odd at 11 you see people standing in silence

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Merci Cath pour ces aimables paroles

RedPat said...

Even the busses in the city stop for 2 minutes here. This is a wonderful post, Bill.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cool Not sure if they do the same here

Fun60 said...

An excellent post for today

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
..."at the rising and at the going down of the sun, we shall remember them..."


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Sharon said...

Lest We Forget

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Did you know that was the middle verse of an ode

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very hard to walking round that place

Birgitta said...

This was a great and interesting post...

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you very much Birgitta

Dana said...

May we never forget.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I don't think any of us will