Saturday 2 November 2013

Halloween Street Fair

The other day I showed a photo called the Entertainer Well this is where he was singing, at the Halloween Street Fair in Newbury. There were lots of treats and food in sale though I did resist having any even though it smelt wonderful

 Have a great weekend


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Now that's a neat looking street! Nice bit of ambiance coming off that... and a suitably halloweened dresser one third up, just off-centre. Or is that simply a fashion statement? (Wicked YAM) &*>

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thats a fashon statement, she might be a Goth

Linda said...

How nice, Bill! Thank you for sharing this. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

Timur Wilde Photography said...

Hello Bill ...

great !!

Best regards

Dana said...

Looks like fun!

RedPat said...

Never heard of a Halloween fair before!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was though a shame it was getting windy that day

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Cheers Timur

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It did though at the time i took this I was getting ready to go home

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nor had I till I was told what was going on, I thing they were casing in on Halloween