Monday 12 February 2024

Gastonbury Abbey Museum


This week I thought I should show some photos I took at the Museum at Glasonbury Abbey along with some of the interesting parts you can see at the Abbey ruins

Glastonbury Abbey

Some of the arches remain with their carvings

The entrance to the Lady chapel has some beautiful carvings around the entrance

The detail is amazing

On the opposite side the the carvings are no less stunning

Inside the museum some of the remnants of the abbey can be seen like this ceiling rose

The photo does not give much idea as to the side but the base it is laid on is over 2ft square

These are some of the tiles that would have been laid on the floor of the abbey

The oak door was from the abbey along with the cornice

Tomb effigy

Some of the oldest headstones I have seen

More of the finds from around the abbey

Headstop carvings from around the arches

Part of a statue that still has paint remaining on it

The crypt of the lady chapel

On the way out of it you pass this sacred well

 The abbots kitchen is about the only building still in one piece

Water spout carving

This is the vent in the roof, in the abbey you would have seen a huge ceiling rose like I showed previously

The kitchen, it has four fireplaces for cooking

Take Care


  1. Fantastic photos and mosiacs.
    My Monday post is HERE


  2. Absolutely fascinating!
    Thank you for sharing at

  3. That looks really interesting. The remains of the building are stunning.

  4. This looks so interesting, I really want to get to Glastonbury one day (for the festival mind but still...) Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.


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