Thursday 22 February 2024

1st February


I thought the sunset on the 1st February was quite spectacular especially as it was the beginning of the year.

I first noticed the sky from the kitchen window so went upstairs to see this 

The sunset was beautiful

Zooming in the sky glowed orange

Looking the opposite was the clouds were beautiful

Blue sky and pink clouds

The sunset colored the clouds

An amazing pink

Even towards the setting sun the vapor trails took on color

On my way to pick up my son I passed the gravel pit so on the way back I too this photo of the silhouette of the gravel elevator  
Happy Skywatch


Penelope Notes said...

The last photo looks futuristic and the rest remind me of pink cotton candy. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, gorgeous skies! The gravel elevator silhouette is both eerie and beautiful.

Red said...

Nice work to catch a beautiful sunset.

Jim said...

Brilliant colours.

magiceye said...

Delightful skies captured.

Nanda kumar said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunset photos! (NewRobin13)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have such views from your house. I love the colors, and the last photo using the machinery in a silhouette is wonderful.

Photo Cache said...

Lovely hues.

Visiting from Skywatch Friday group.

Worth a Thousand Words