Monday 13 March 2023

Now Winter's Gone


  Now wither has gone I went to look around the garden to see what survived the harsh frost we had. I had worried that the -11 deg we had in our garden would have caused damage and killed off some of the plants

No worry about the roses they are growing well already

The hydrangea was a surprise after being out in the cold weather it was budding nicely 

The tulips and the daffodils do not suffer at all

The olive tree on the other hand did suffer. This is normally covered in green leaves but they started falling off during the frost and it mostly bare now, I only hope it will recover, I bought it as a present for my wife many years ago

This was the potato vine that suffered in the high winds early this year when a gazebo was blown across it causing the pergola to fall over, we had to cut it back to sort out the pergola. The cutting back and frost killed it. Near by we also had a eucalyptus tree the frost killed that as well

The magnolia survived

and looks like it will be flowering in the not too distant future

I had concerns over the acer we had as my wife nurtured it from a very small plant

I was happy to see it is also budding, I look forward to seeing it in leaf again

Take Care


Lydia C. Lee said...

How lovely seeing the buds pending! #WWOT

klara said...

lovely garden.

NewRobin13 said...

It's so lovely to see almost all of your beautiful garden survived. Let's hope things stay nice and warm there.

HappyK said...

Nice to see all those signs of spring. Winter has come back here again. Snowing like crazy as I type this.

Red said...

the native stuff is okay with frost but non native stuff has to be rated for your area. Good that most of your stuff survived.

Fun60 said...

It's good to see that you haven't lost too many. Let's hope all is not lost with your olive tree.

Villroses hage said...

Many plants are tougher than we think. But the olive tree, I keep in the greenhouse during winter.

William Kendall said...

Spring is coming.

NCSue said...

We thought winter had gone after two weeks of warmer temps got all the early spring trees and flowers fully in bloom. Then two nights of frost... but so far it looks like things are surviving.
Thanks for sharing at

Anonymous said...

It's good that you don't seem to have lost too much.
I always enjoy seeing daffodils at this time of year.

All the best Jan

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hello Billy, first I was sorry to read about the death of your friend, news like that really hits us hard, and it seems more so the older we get. We cherish the special memories even more.

Thank you for your comment on my blog post about the Medfield facility and the link to one you did as well. I followed your link and it was interesting to read the background and now the reuse of the buildings and grounds. In time, perhaps the Medfield facility sill look quite different.

Most of your plants seemed to have survived the worst of winter and hope the olive tree is among those. Magnolia is a lovely bloom.

Yvonne said...

Late frosts can be so unkind, but most of your garden is showing signs that your spring will be beautiful.

Heidrun said...

Sorry for late comment. Now, I'm back from my surgery...

...and it's again a great pleasure that your post being part at


Greetings by Heidrun

betty-NZ said...

Spring is definitely arriving! Sorry you lost so many plants.

Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!