Thursday 2 February 2023

January Sunrise


I the second half of January I noticed a glow through the bedroom shutters as I was getting uplooking out the window this is what I saw

The sunrise glow

Wider view of the sky

Normal view out of the window

Zooming in on the sunrise

Glow in the sky

A few minutes later on the patio the glow on the clouds

Glowing sky

 Glowing clouds

Happy Skywatch


Barbara Rogers said...

I enjoyed the procession of sunrise. My favorite photo is second to last with the two little houses framing the sun.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You really have a well placed window, and like a true photoblogger you were ready to take these wonderful shots.

HappyK said...

That is so pretty!!!

Lisa said...

That's very pretty. Nice you can be so high to get a nice view.

NewRobin13 said...

Beautiful sunrise there. I love watching the change in colors.

NKH said...

majestic captures

Pisi Prkl said...

Your sky is on fire.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

My Birdhouse and Greenhhouse

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well it does face east so that does help

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes if the place did not have an upstairs I could not get the photos

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is always a pleasure

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Does look that way

William Kendall said...


Light and Voices said...

Super fabulous sky!

Jocelyn said...

Amazing pictures.