Thursday 9 February 2023

A Monday Sunset


Back in January my son asked me to pick him up from work when he finished at 4:30. On my way there I could not help see the sunset over the downs, well I had to stop didn't I

The sun was giving off a nice glow to the sky

Zooming in shows it better
I drove on over the hill and checked no one was behind then too this shot of the sky towards Didcot

On my way back from picking up my son I stopped again to get one more shot of the sky
Happy Skywatch


Spare Parts and Pics said...

For a sky like that? Of course you had to stop!! Beautiful photos.

Jim said...

Sharp and clear.

Penelope Notes said...

Such beautiful streaks of gold in the sky and the lone little cloud is lovely. :)

Anonymous said...

Even more beautiful without the Power Station on the horizon. Nice photos Bill!


oh my... the sunshine is beautiful. The golden streaks are so calming.
New post:

HappyK said...

Beautiful skies.

NewRobin13 said...

Such a beautiful sunset. I'm so glad you stopped to photograph it.

William Kendall said...


NKH said...

It was worth the stop!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A true photo blogging skywatcher you are!! Great shots.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Dam right I did. Thankks for the comment

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thanks Jim

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That clod is most likely smoke of steam from the new power station

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are nice

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I was as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was rather that evening

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very much so

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I do try, its the one I love doing

Light and Voices said...

I always check to see if a car is coming from behind too so I can pull over and park for the shot. You are a true sky watcher for sure. Good thing you were picking up your son that day. Simply marvelous shots.

Photo Cache said...

Those are beautiful.

Worth a Thousand Words

Linda said...

Lovely sky! Have a good weekend