Monday 13 June 2022

Garden Update


Thought I would show a quick garden update with you 

Quick way of showing some of it is with a collage, these are the roses I planted a while ago in new beds and a pot, they are growing well and smell gorgeous 

This one is a climber and is waiting for me to find somewhere for it to go

Some of the veg now or fruit which ever way you look at it. Runner beans have taken off and the tomatoes are showing flowers

Looking in the greenhouse you cannot help be confronted by Tomatoes

Aubergines seem to be growing Ok 

Cucumbers are really growing with quite a bit of fruit showing

Bit more that I can say about my Chillies which I am still trying to work out when I should sew the seed. The other plants are some flower seed I started a wile ago and seem to be doing OK.

Take Care 

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing , InkTorrents 
 Through my Lens  and Pictorial Potpourri you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care


NewRobin13 said...

Your garden looks lush and beautiful, Bill. Wonderful photos.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm just starting to learn about flowers. Yours are fantastic!

HappyK said...

Everything looks wonderful and healthy.

Red said...

You've been doing a lot of gardening. I'm sure it will be successful.

Linda P said...

I like the way you're growing your roses. Everything looks neat and tidy and it's good to see that your vegetables are doing well too.

Aimz said...

It's all looking really good, your roses are blooming

Fun60 said...

Very healthy looking plants. The garden must keep you very busy.

Peabea Scribbles said...

Wow, looks so lush and healthy.