Thursday 9 June 2022

Evening Walk


 This week I go mack to mid May where I went out for a quick walk one evening which took in a route along an old footpath

I'll start here a DIY store in Abingdon where I went earlier in the day. It has been built on the site of the old one that was here a few years ago. I was told at the time they would not be coming back. Seems someone thought different.

This is the path though the field which takes you to a place called Lollingdon

Looking back North towards the railway embankment and the village

East towards The Elms and which used to be Elms Farm

West towards the sunset

Though I would do a 180 panoramic shot going from north to east to the south
Happy Skywatch


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That path through the fields is cool. We don't have anything like that here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love the footpath through the field! Where I live, that would be private property and no one would be able to walk there, which is too bad.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are normal here, there is another on the other side of the village

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They do get ploughed over in the spring but the farmer usually marks it and people tramp it down to look like that

HappyK said...

I'd sure enjoy walking along that path!!! Great photos.
I've taken a walking vacation with the Wayfarers across England and loved all the walking paths right through peoples farms and the beautiful countryside.

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful walk!

NewRobin13 said...

That was a beautiful walk there. Such a lovely place to get a wide big sky panoramic view.

rupam sarma said...

Amazing pics

Light and Voices said...

Wishing trails were tramped down here too. Alas. It is what it is. Image West towards the sunset is awesome!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It's not a long walk only taking in a couple of miles, the one you did is across Hampshire and 71 miles long

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Not bad and it was a nice evening

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think it had to be done

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

that did work out well

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I love these long evenings when we can get out for a wander in the immediate area.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great panoramic shot!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It great when it cooling down in the evening

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you Barbara