Thursday 17 February 2022

Snowdrop Sky


I thought I would continue with my Snowdrop theme this week even though I have some nice Skywatch photos with sunsets and sunrises in them. To end my photos of Snowdrops I thought I would share a different view again. I left you with a teaser on Tuesday so you might get an idea as to what I am showing.

The teaser was taken the previous day. The next day I noticed the snowdrops open

If you are wondering how I got my camera to take these photo I used my iphone laid down and took the photo on my apple watch

One in focus the other just out of it.

Sun shines on the snowdrops

First try was a few days previous with the sky in the background

The iphone tilted to get the shot

I liked how it shone through the petals

The look tall but are small
It is not somthing I can do with my camera that easy

 Happy Skywatch



William Kendall said...

These are wondrous!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Such pretty blooms. I love the upward perspective on the first few photos!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I love how you see your world there.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice shots, with a creative viewpoint!!

Amila said...

Beautiful angles and a great way of presenting these blooms.
Have a great day!

Cath said...

all such lovely pics showcasing snowdrops

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you William

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was an Idea I had to see if |I could get n upward shot of a snowdrop being as they are only around 6" tall if that

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Need to see it from all angles

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad you appreciated it

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I pondered how to do it for while

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you, they are at their best by soon will gone

Jim said...

Great shots.

Sharon said...

These are great shots. You covered these pretty blooms from every angle.

Bill said...

Fantastic shots, very creative.

Aimz said...

You must have a good phone camera, mine doesn't take nearly as good images.

Sharon said...

By co-incidence, I have just received snowdrop bulbs for planting. I loved them in the garden in Victoria. I hope that they will also grow in the warmer climate of Queensland.