I teased you with the temperature on Tuesday and I thought it could not get any hotter but not I was wrong there, the next day I thought should be a little better as there were some clouds in the sky but the relentless sun had other ideas and through the day the temp went up and at 2:50 I looked at the clock and noticed the numbers 42.2C that is 107.96F It was the hottest I have ever seen on our patio. The thermometer is on the fence opposite the kitchen and sends a signal to the clock, it is out of direct sunlight. I checked the greenhouse and found the temp was a little less at 39 C. I have to admit the patio is a sun trap and where we stay away from in the hot weather. Not long after it clouded over and the temp started to come down a little at a time

I even managed a photo of the cloud hiding the sun
I was also pleased it gave me some rays to capture. Blue sky could be seen between the clouds behind me
The clouds looked like they threatened Rain and Thunder
The sun still sent out it's rays from behind the clouds
The it rained, well more like a downpour, I went around the front porch and took a photo of the road wondering if the puddle would come up to our drive like it has done in the past
This was taken from the left of the photo above almost to the day 19 years ago . Gets a little deep in a deluge and laps the bottom of our drive.
This was taken from the left of the photo above almost to the day 19 years ago . Gets a little deep in a deluge and laps the bottom of our drive.
No sun any more, it was pure bliss, the trees in the distance obscured by the rain
3 hours later the temp was nearly 20C cooler though inside the heat was still there and took a few days to go. A do not like the heat-waves and long for the days I used to know when we had cooler weather. I cannot see it changing any time soon. The longer the planes say out of the sky the better for us all
Happy Skywatch
Pretty sky images. It is hot there, we could use some of that rain here.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend ahead!
That's some wild weather. I didn't realize your neck of the woods got so hot!
It's hard to imagine that kind of heat in the UK--much more typical of north Texas. But watching the clouds come in and then cooling down in the rain must make up for some of it--as it did for us last Sunday. Great way to tell a story!
Amazing skies!
It did not last that long
It does on occasion and can last a couple of weeks or more at times
I'm glad to say it does not last long though it feels like it does
They were nice
Quite the weather change!
That's way too hot for me, bet there was steaming coming off those roads afterwards.
Great photos of the skies there. So glad your temps are back to normal. Heatwaves are such a bummer.
Yes it was quite different
You know I think there was
Yes but I seem to remember that they happen around the same time each year.
nice light and rays in the sky.
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