Monday 7 October 2019

View from a hilltop

Last week while in Wales we stopped off along the road though the common area outside Llandrindod Wells. I wanted to get some photos from a hill top. 

 I had gone here to take a 360 with my phone and took a few photos with my Compact. This view looks towards the Llandrindod
 Moving position I managed a view of the town itself
 The first photo was taken from the hill across the road on the left
Turning around you could see all the way to the hills beyond
 This way looks towards Aberedw Hill

Later stood on the slops of Aberedw I look back at where I had been
The links below should show what I took with the phone


Fun60 said...

Beautiful scenery.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely pastoral scenes! Thank you!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

It looks so serene

William Kendall said...

Spectacular views!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow! Such spectacular views and beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful there. I love the views and the rainbow in the top photo.

Sharon said...

Back in 2005 I took a short trip to Portmeirion in Wales. Your photos remind me so much of the views from the train on my way there. I loved all the rolling hills and green!

Bill said...

Wow, such beautiful views and scenery. Excellent photos!

Linda said...

Great views!

NCSue said...

So lovely!
Thanks for joining at

Mandy said...

Lovely view! I've been told Wales is gorgeous and that I should visit. Now I know it's true! :)

With Love,

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You should go, it's a beautiful place

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They are

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Bit like Ireland as well

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That is somewhere my wife wants to go

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Got another shot of it Friday

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was a nice day, the previous one it was rain

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Misses the sheep that are normaly there

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No Problem

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is but then you have shown some wonderful places as well

betty-NZ said...

It's satisfying when you get photos of terrific scenery like this. Well done!

My Corner of the World