Tuesday 3 September 2019

Fungus and Butterflys

At the caravan in Wales the beginning of August I happened to spot some plate fungus growing on a tree, It was one of the bigger ones I have see so far , just had to get a photo
 Did not look hard to get to but it was

I managed to reach up and get s couple of photos

 and with some further reaching got one looking down

On the way back I spotted butterfly's on a buddleia
 The peacock flew off but the red admiral did not
 Or the painted lady
Taking part in Our World Tuesday

Seems I inadvertently added a couple of photos of a Giant Puffball 

Spottted it when we returned at the end of the month so went and got a couple of photos

The lumps missing seem to have been caused by slugs eating it.
When I walked back with the dog in the evening the puffball was missing and laying in the hedge further, I think some kid kicked it away. Shame really.


Fun60 said...

Great photos of the fungi.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...I've never seen fungus this size! Impressive. And gorgeous butterfly images.

Robin said...

From this distance, that looks like Polyporus squamosus; if so, it's edible if young and tender enough. We have them here on the North Pacific, too.

Great photos!

Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

Photo Cache said...

Great capture of the mushrooms.

Worth a Thousand Words

NCSue said...

Mushrooms/fungi fascinate me. I wish I'd started seriously pursuing the study of them years ago.
Thanks for joining us this week at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/09/a-strange-sight.html

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful photos, interesting fungus and love love love the butterflies

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Fascinating photos of fungus. Worth the effort to get those pictures.

Rosie said...

The fungus is amazing and I'll have to keep my eyes open now to see if I can spot some around here. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Outstanding photos.

Aimz said...

I love Fungus photos, I don't know why but I find them interesting.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Beautiful colors on that butterfly and the fungus is spectacularly BIG- lovely shots

Anonymous said...

Love the fungus photos and the butterflies. We've been seeing some very old dark fungus on a tree in our neighborhood. I should go photograph it.

William Kendall said...

These are big!