Thursday 19 September 2019

Clouds and Blue Sky

Been struggling with my Skywatch photos of late but always on the lookout for a good subject and one of my favourites are the clouds. A couple of weeks ago I was looking at them from my garden

I could not tell you the names of these clouds but I do know a certain someone who lives across the pond who does

At one stage the sun disappeared behind the clouds

and a plane burst through them
 These were very high up

clouds above clouds

More hing ones reminding me of a cuttlefish 

Nothing too interesting about these

But this guy of should I say guys as they are tandem were somewhere above the clouds

Like this guy. They were skydiving about three miles away as the crow fly's at Chiltern Airdrome and my compact was on full zoom hence the fuzziness of them.

Happy Skywatch


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful sky shots. Love the one with the plane bursting through. Very nice!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clouds there! Well, I'm much better at recognizing atmospheric optics, but I do know a few clouds. I think the first photo is a Vertebratus formation. Then some Cumulus, and I think an Undulatus formation. Have you ever checked out The Cloud Appreciation Society? Here's a link. They love photos like these and get shots from around the world.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

So do I, missed one just flying under the Moon yesterday

William Kendall said...

Wonderful sky shots!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'll check that out

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Wow! What great sky shots!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Tranquil blue skies

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Pretty clouds and sky captures! Neat shot of the plane and skydivers. Have a happy day, wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Jutta.K. said...

Oh yes, I like such photos, blue sky and white clouds, pretty
My sky

Jenn Jilks said...

I love clouds!

Aimz said...

The skydivers are very brave I think, I"m scared of heights, you'd never get me up there.