Saturday 29 June 2019

St Stepan Llanstephan

This week the Church Explorer takes you to St Stepan Llanstephan 
a beautiful little curch set up in the hillside of the Wye Valley


Al said...

That looks very old and solid.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Been a while since I dropped in and said how much I appreciate your photos in my in-box each day! This looks like an amazingly old church, though the gravestones look quite a lot newer.

Recep Hilmi TUFAN | said...

Then see you there! :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is that

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Glad I am appreciated, the church is quite old dating back to the 14th century though you are lucky to find headstone older than the 1700's in most churchyards

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Long way to go for you

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

"Architecturally undistinguished" maybe, but full of character and typical of the buildings of this part of Wales. Having a tower that's more or less the same height as the rest of the building rather defeats the object of having a tower at all!

William Kendall said...

It does look old.