Thursday 20 June 2019

Sky at Broughrood

I visited this church in Broughrood the other week for the Church Explorer so you are getting a taster of what is to come. On my way back to the car I stopped to get a photo of the church then noticed the cloudy sky overhead, very dark & ominus, and later it did rain heavy

Happy Skywatch


Spare Parts and Pics said...

A gorgeous church, and a pretty sky too!

Gosia said...

great place to visit

William Kendall said...

Quite dramatic!

Photo Cache said...

Love the moody skies.

Worth a Thousand Words

Bill said...

Great dramatic sky, the church looks incredible under it.
Thanks for the heads up on the skiff, I appreciate it. Learning something new is always a pleasure.

SpacerGuy said...

So I reckon you'll be boldly exploring the grounds of this church where no photographer has gone before but in passing you just never know what treasures lurk within? You might find a very old engraving dating back to the 19th/ 18th century or a time portal....phasers on stun!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I can almost feel the wind pick up before the drops fall from the sky. Wonderful photo.

Nanda kumar said...

The heavy clouds are magnificent to view

Anonymous said...

Love the sky and church view there.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

My interest in churches grew from the times I had to seek shelter in them when the skies looked like that!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No worry I did explore the grounds as well